Tag Archives: McConnell Group


This is all information that helped me as i began to design. yes it’s basic but a refresher for all of us geezer’s isn’t bad


Fonts refer to the means by which typefaces are displayed or presented. Helvetica in movable type is a font, as is a TrueType font file.

Type Families

Type Families
The different options available within a font make up a type family. Many fonts are at a minimum available in roman, bold and italic. Other families are much larger, such as Helvetica Neue, which is available in options such Condensed Bold, Condensed Black, UltraLight, UltraLight Italic, Light, Light Italic, Regular, etc. Continue reading

A Quick Display of Logo’s

This is just a quick post to show and test this blog. I have chosen a few Logo’s that i like:

A logo of Hilliana acadia avenue

Moving forawrd there will be more posts and test so that i can learn wordpress.